I'm alone, what is it that

โดย: dammy [IP: 166.0.218.xxx]
เมื่อ: 2022-09-21 12:31:54
I'm alone, what is it that makes people have a very negative feeling about these words, despite the fact that the word "doing it alone and being alone" has its value, but us? will be overlooked because we are afraid of loneliness, the fact that there is no sector of socialization, even those things about parents when children go to school on the first day or change a new job to a new place of work, what do we say As someone who's waiting at home, we'll say what? Today, do you have new friends or not, do you know like with new friends, or do you still have a lot of friends? joker These feelings will be accumulated and make We deny being alone, sir. No one actually drives you to go alone in the forest like a cave. This book is talking about having to allocate time for us to spend time with ourselves. Some of us alone, that's what he wants to tell you. Act one thing in this world. I like it very much. Say you don't have to be with anyone all the time and you will dare to live the life you want.


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